RBAC Member Information
Thank you for volunteering to serve on the Regional Bicycle Advisory Committee! The following information provides background information that may be helpful to new or potential members. You can also view the full RBAC charter online.
About the Committee
The RBAC advises the Chelan-Douglas Transportation Council (CDTC) governing board, staff and its individual member jurisdictions in the development of regional and local plans, bicycling improvements on public roads and trails within the cities and unincorporated areas of Chelan and Douglas counties, and educational initiatives for bicycle transportation.
Learn more about CDTC.
Committee History
Committee member Charlie Hickenbottom has created a bike history document for the Wenatchee Valley.
The current committee began in December 2015 when interested citizens approached CDTC. You can learn more about recent work on the RBAC page.
Committee Structure
RBAC: Meets bimonthly to work on committee projects, and provide feedback and hear updates from subcommittees, agency representatives and organization members.
Bike Plan Subcommittee: This subcommittee focuses on implementation and evaluation of the existing bike plan, and future updates. It may also review bikeway projects that are not in the plan, on a case by case basis.
Education & Outreach Subcommittee: This subcommittee focuses on education, encouragement, and enforcement activities that support bike plan implementation.
Subcommittees may meet monthly or bimonthly. Subcommittees may end or new subcommittees may be created based on interest and need. As of January 2019, there are no active subcommittees.
Member Responsibilities
Attend RBAC meetings, and participate in subcommittees. RBAC meetings are required for membership. Subcommittee meetings are optional, but encouraged.
Prepare for meetings- read emails, take surveys, and come ready to participate.
Advise CDTC and local agencies on bicycle planning, programs, policies, and infrastructure project implementation.
As your schedule allows- attend public meetings, engage in local bike activities, and volunteer for RBAC activities.
Champion the bicycle master plan. The RBAC is identified as the champion of the bike plan. Assist CDTC in tracking progress, participate in planning activities, and be an ambassador for the plan in the community.
Attendance Requirements
Members may be removed from the committee if they miss 4 consecutive meetings, or attend at least 50% of meetings in a year. Excused absences are allowed.
Time Commitment
1-2 hours per month. You may spend an additional 1-2 hours per week on RBAC work. Additional time may be spent working on committee activities, volunteering at an event, attending public meetings, and preparing for meetings.
Term Limits
Chair and Vice Chair: 1 year, elections annually in November.
Membership term limits are not set. Members may be asked each year in November if they would like to continue.
Annual Work Plan
The RBAC will develop an annual work plan and goals to set committee priorities. The work plan will be reviewed halfway through the year. Final progress will be shared in an annual report.
New priorities, projects and opportunities that emerge throughout the year may be explored by the committee during meetings.
Local Planning Documents
Wenatchee Valley Bicycle Master Plan
Leavenworth Upper Valley Regional Trails Plan
Transportation 2040: The Regional Transportation Plan for Chelan and Douglas Counties
Additional Resources
NACTO: http://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/
FHWA Bike and Pedestrian Program: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/
Quick Guide to the USDOT Transportation Toolkit:
USDOT Transportation Toolkit: https://www.transportation.gov/policy-initiatives/leadership-academy/transportation-toolkit
AARP Guide- How to Engage your Transportation Agency: http://www.pps.org/pdf/bookstore/How_to_Engage_Your_Transportation_Agency_AARP.pdf